We utilize Mother Goose Time curriculum, which allows our teaching staff to spend less time on prep and more time on curious discovery with your children.

Each curriculum system includes award-winning materials organized by day and ready to go. This allows teachers to spend more time scaffolding learning for each child and building on concepts from the lesson.

Our class sizes are smaller than average! Coming from an in-home environment, Chanelle’s Childcare prioritizes learning through play and frequent socio-emotional engagement opportunities throughout the day. Smaller class sizes allow for a calmer classroom atmosphere and more high-quality interactions between teachers and peers. 

We mix up the ages in our classrooms to aid in the growth and development of each child served.  Mixing the ages in our classrooms promotes socio-emotional development and positive interactions that scaffold learning.

When children get the opportunity to play with children older than themselves, they learn new skills, develop more self-confidence, and have more language-rich interactions throughout their day. In turn, when an older child has the opportunity to engage with a younger child, they learn empathy, turn-taking, coaching, and gain a sense of pride through mentorship.